
Helping teachers create better lesson plans with AI
Teachers spend way too much time lesson planning – it's their least favourite part of teaching, but one that's so important to get right. After chatting to friends who were teachers, I realized I could build something that could help. Kuraplan is an AI model trained on the entire New Zealand education system that generates new lesson plans for teachers in a manner of minutes.
App Development
UX Design

Since launching in May 2024, Kuraplan has already been using by over 2000 teachers across 600 schools, in New Zealand alone!

The reviews I get from teachers are some of the best parts of building Kuraplan:

The interface for creating a new lesson plan on Kuraplan – I kept it simple to begin and expanded on subjects as I got more feedback from teachers.

Augmented Reality

I used Augmented Reality to prototype form quicker than building real life models, for instance times that I couldn't be in the workshop. I used Fusion 360 to model my designs, and Substance Painter to texture them. Finally, I exported them as a .USDZ file and can share to people to be visualised in their own spaces, in life size. AR mode only works on iPhones and iPad.

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